Become a Member of the Friends

Membership of The Friends of Old Saint Paul's Society is open to anyone who is interested in preserving and promoting the heritage of Old St Paul's Church.

We rely on the generosity of individuals like you to help us achieve our goals and maintain this magical building for generations to come.

With an annual payment you can support our efforts to maintain and preserve the vitality of this historic landmark. You will receive our quarterly newsletters, and gain access to exclusive events and updates about the church's history and activities.

Membership Fees

Annual  membership is from 1 January to 31 December.

Individual rate


Life Membership


To join the Friends or to find out more contact:


  • deposit directly into the Friends of Old St Paul's account: 02-0500-0162639-000, Please email your details so we can give you a receipt; or

  • contact us by email at to make arrangements that suit you.